On a Mission

To Empower Women

About the Founder

Kathleen Saucerman

The CEO and Founder of Normalize Marketplace, Kathleen Saucerman’s journey began with a personal struggle that many women can relate to. She found herself turning to licensed professionals and was over-prescribed with pharmaceuticals. She was seeking a way out of the mind-altering haze they brought and decided she must ‘make the choice to make the change’ in her own life. Kathleen realized that something needed to change, not just for herself, but for women everywhere. 

Over-medication is a pharmaceutical crisis affecting countless women in the United States. Kathleen’s vision became clear: work with the FDA and lawmakers to create policy changes that ensure no woman is prescribed mind-altering drugs without a clear, empowering treatment plan and a definitive timeline. She is committed to making sure no woman has to endure what she experienced.

Determined to find a better way, Kathleen dedicated countless hours into researching and rigorously testing plant-based products that could meet her needs while safeguarding her well-being. Through this journey, she discovered what women truly deserve: a natural, effective solution that honors their bodies and busy lives. This insight inspired her to collaborate with a team of scientists, developing the Normalize Patches, designed to benefit women from all walks of life, inclusive of every socioeconomic background and cultural identity.

With the support of global cannabis experts, Kathleen founded the Normalize Marketplace— a groundbreaking educational platform and curated marketplace dedicated to providing discreet, plant-based cannabinoid products tailored to women’s needs. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of modern life or seeking an alternative to conventional prescription drugs and treatments, the Normalize Marketplace is here to support you with solutions that empower, uplift, and make life just a little bit easier.